Inspiration can come from anywhere, including videos on the internet.
TED, the media organization famous for their thought-provoking content, began in 1984 as a simple conference for Technology, Entertainment, and Design. Since then, they have to encompass everything from psychology, to religion, to motivational speeches and personal development.
Showing these four TED Talks to your employees can inspire them to achieve professional success, financial freedom, and overall happiness.
TED Talk #1: Less Stuff is More Happiness
In his TED Talk, Graham Hill explains his philosophy of “less stuff is more happiness”. The basic underlying principle is that buying less stuff means saving more money, leaving a smaller carbon footprint, and makes your entire life easier. Show this to your employees to help them achieve financial freedom and simplify their lives.
TED Talk #2: How to Make Work-Life Balance Work
Work-life balance is a crucial component to an employee’s happiness. If an employee feels like there is too much work and not enough life, they will quickly become dissatisfied with their job. Nigel Marsh explains how to achieve an ideal work-life balance and promote a happy, healthy lifestyle.
TED Talk #3: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are
Two people can say the exact same thing, in the exact same tone of voice, and convey two very different messages. How? Body language. In this TED Talk, Amy Cuddy explains how body language affects people’s perception of you. Your employees can use these lessons to achieve success in both their personal and professional life.
TED Talk #4: What It Takes to Be a Great Leader
Great leaders aren’t born, they are made. Roselinde Torres has studied great leaders at work for 25 years, and discusses her findings in this informative TED Talk. Employees will learn about the most effective leadership training techniques, and which three simple questions to ask themselves if they want to thrive in the future.
Looking for more inspirational TED talks to share with your employees? Check out this list from the Financial Fitness Group.
Madison Approach Staffing is a New York-based recruiting agency serving both employers and employees throughout Westchester County. With nearly 30 years of experience, we are completely dedicated to making sure that every placement is right for both the candidate and the company. Visit our website to learn how we can help you, or give us a call at (914) 428-4800.