An interviewee isn’t the only one who needs to be prepared during the hiring process. An employer can maximize their efforts and gather important information about a candidate by researching and using one of these main interview methods:
Interview Types
Live Interviews – Face-to-face interviews are the most common interview interaction. It’s a great way to make an impactful first impression.
Phone interview – A phone interview is the least formal method of interviewing and can be challenging since you can’t read the candidate’s nonverbal communication.
Panel Interview – A group interview setting can be the most intimidating for your candidates. When you are being interviewed by one person, the focus is clear, but when you put someone in a room with two or more interviewers, things can get tense. Make sure their verbal and nonverbal communication remains focused and positive.
Interview Methods
When hiring a new employee, you want a person who is optimistic, creative, a leader, and a team player. But, how can you find someone who encompasses all of those traits?
Behavioral-Based Interviews
Hiring employees who have a positive attitude at work is essential for a successful business. This type of interview focuses on a person’s behavior regarding past performances and experiences.
Case Interviews
This method gives interviewers an inside look into how a potential candidate handles certain scenarios. Some questions may reveal how a candidate formulates long-term strategy while others may determine a candidate’s performance for a specific task.
Informational Interviews
Informational interviews provides candidates the opportunity to compare their expectations with the position. This type of interview helps the employer as well – It’s better for both of you to discover early in the hiring process whether or not the potential candidate fits the job description.
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Need help finding the right employees for your company? We are a staffing agency in White Plains, NY and are available to help make your next hire exceed your goals. To learn more, call 914-428-4800 or visit our website.