While being happy at work may not seem that important, a happy workplace is synonymous with a more productive workplace. Most people spend a third of their day doing their job, so if they’re unsatisfied, that can add up to a lot of unhappiness in their lives. But, why should this matter to employers? Here are five important reasons why making your employees happy should be your number one priority.
1. Happiness leads to more creativity. When you’re in a good mood, it leads to more flexible, fluent, and original thinking.
2. Your employees will be more optimistic. Research has shown that optimists are more positive, successful, and productive. Like Henry Ford once said, “whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you’re right.”
3. They will use less sick days. Workplace stress and burnout leads to low energy and productivity levels, as well as fewer days in the office. So when your employees are healthy and happy, your business benefits.
4. People who are happy make better decisions. They’re able to make more informed decisions and prioritize their work, unlike unhappy people, who narrow their focus and lose sight of the big picture.
5.Happy people work better with others. This translates into better teamwork, more satisfied customers, and improved sales overall.
How To Increase Employee Happiness Levels
•Give consistent feedback and recognition for hard work.
•Offer benefits and perks that go beyond the basic healthcare and 401k.
•Incorporate interesting projects to help keep them engaged.
•Provide a healthy work-life balance.
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