I know this may sound crazy, but negative feedback from your employees is actually a blessing in disguise. The worst thing you can do is ignore them. Instead, take this as an opportunity to learn something valuable and improve your leadership skills. Here’s a few other ‘do’s and don’ts’ when receiving negative employee feedback.
DO: Realize that all feedback can be used as a tool for improvement.
Don’t take the negative feedback you receive personally. Your employees work hard for you and care about the future of your business. Use their information to build a stronger company and become a more powerful leader.
DON’T: Respond to negative feedback immediately.
Once you receive negative feedback, take a deep breath and relax. After you collect your thoughts, write down a few bullet points to share with your employees that outline your plan moving forward.
DO: Prove to your employees that what they say matters.
There’s no point in asking your employees for their feedback if you’re not going to put their thoughts into motion. Let your actions prove that you care about what they have to say.
DON’T: Take the negative feedback out on your team.
There’s no shame in admitting it — being on the receiving end of negative feedback can hurt. But don’t let it change your demeanour with your employees. If you take negative feedback out on your team, you won’t improve the culture or strengthen engagement.
As a manager, your goal should be to continually improve your organization. Successful companies ask their employees for feedback on a regular basis. This way, they’re always able to learn new ideas and nip any problems in the bud – before they spiral out of control.
For more management and business tips, connect with Madison Approach Staffing on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.