Job interviews can be nerve wracking, especially when you fill your mind with the “what if’s”. We’ve all heard about interviews gone wrong – here are the scariest mistakes and how you can make sure it doesn’t happen to you:
Forgetting the interviewer’s name
You get in the interview confident and blank out – now you forgot the name of the person interviewing you. Try this: repeat their name out loud over and over again before the interview and jot it down on your notepad or laptop. Remember: being personable is an important part of the interview.
Getting lost and arriving late
No excuses for this mistake unless you were given the wrong address. Look up directions ahead of time and give it a test drive if you must. Give yourself plenty of extra time, because worst case scenario, you wait in the parking lot or lobby a little longer than expected.
Blanking on tricky questions
It’s a scary moment – you’re asked a difficult question, such as “What is your biggest weakness” and you blank out. Give yourself time to practice ahead of time – jot down a number of questions you will likely be asked and go over the answers in your head. Take notes if you that helps.
Getting stiff and shy
Loosen up and relax. An interview isn’t a test – it’s a meeting to see how well of a match the position is for you. Understanding that the interview is a two-way street will help ease your mind. Take a few deep breaths, come with questions, smile, and be you.
For more tips, connect with Madison Approach Staffing on social media! We are a staffing agency in White Plains, NY. Our team is ready and available to help make your next hire great! To learn more, call 914-428-4800 or visit us on the web.